Life is about Keeping Your Options Open
The Hallway of Opportunity March 12, 2013 I gave this speech as part of a career development/ "Power Lunch" at the United Neighborhood Organization's (UNO) Veteran's Memorial High School to a group of twenty-two freshman aged young people today. The goal was to have a discussion about how we are all born with the same opportunities and although we might encounter some challenges along the way- it is how we respond to those challenges and how we keep our options open that determine our success- not the neighborhood we came from- the environment we grew up in or whichever tough luck we encountered along the way. -------- How many Doors are there in this hallway? Answer: Twenty-four. Great - I'd like the team to divide down the middle of the room. Those of you on the right are now known as the East Team . Those of you to the left of the center of the room are the West Team . (Drew diagram on the white board- depicting the twenty-four doors-...